Please email to set up an account. We will need the following information:
UW Madison Lab Accounts
- Name, address, phone number, UW NetID and email of the Principal Investigator (PI) or primary scientific contact person.
- Name, UW NetID, and email of all individuals who will be using our service.
- Name, address, phone number, and email of the financial contact person.
UW System and External Lab Accounts
- Name of affiliated institution or company.
- Name, address, phone number, and email of the Principal Investigator (PI) or primary scientific contact person.
- Name, email and Globus ID of all lab members who will be requesting services. A Globus ID is only required for members responsible for downloading data. Click here for more information about Globus.
- Name, address, phone number, and email of the financial contact person.
Payment Information (not required in advance)
- For UW Madison lab accounts, you will be asked to provide a funding string when you make your request for services.
- For UW System lab accounts, you may choose to reference an award or similar when you make your request for services. Otherwise, an invoice sent directly to the financial contact.
- For external lab accounts, you may choose to reference a purchase order (PO) or have an invoice sent directly to the financial contact when you make your request for services. A copy of the PO may be sent in advance to