Account Setup

Please email to set up an account. We will need the following information:

UW Madison Lab Accounts

  • Name, address, phone number, UW NetID and email of the Principal Investigator (PI) or primary scientific contact person.
  • Name, UW NetID, and email of all individuals who will be using our service.
  • Name, address, phone number, and email of the financial contact person.

UW System and External Lab Accounts

  • Name of affiliated institution or company.
  • Name, address, phone number, and email of the Principal Investigator (PI) or primary scientific contact person.
  • Name, email and Globus ID of all lab members who will be requesting services. A Globus ID is only required for members responsible for downloading data. Click here for more information about Globus.
  • Name, address, phone number, and email of the financial contact person.

Payment Information (not required in advance)

  • For UW Madison lab accounts, you will be asked to provide a funding string when you make your request for services.
  • For UW System lab accounts, you may choose to reference an award or similar when you make your request for services. Otherwise, an invoice sent directly to the financial contact.
  • For external lab accounts, you may choose to reference a purchase order (PO) or have an invoice sent directly to the financial contact when you make your request for services. A copy of the PO may be sent in advance to



Unless otherwise specified, all data and reagents distributed by the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center DNA Sequencing Facility are intended for research purposes only. They are not intended nor certified for diagnostic or clinical use.  Clinical services are provided through our collaboration with the UW Collaborative Genomics Core.