The Next Gen DNA Sequencing Core is a state of the art lab that employs advanced techniques and knowledge to your genomic questions. We employ Illumina, PacBio and Oxford Nanopore technologies and related approaches to address your research needs. We thrive on collaborations for new and exciting projects as well as providing the basic data that drives your day to day research.

Core Director: Joshua R. Hyman, Ph.D.

Room 1320
Biotechnology Center
425 Henry Mall Madison WI 53706



Unless otherwise specified, all data and reagents distributed by the University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center DNA Sequencing Facility are intended for research purposes only. They are not intended nor certified for diagnostic or clinical use. Clinical services are provided through our collaboration with the UW Collaborative Genomics Core.

We will be closed for the following 2025 calendar days:

January 1, January 20, May 26, July 4, September 1, November 27, December 24-25, December 31

*Please note that, from December 24-December 31, limited staffing will impact turnaround times.